This fall, we are asking CBMS families to sell
wrapping paper. . . popcorn. . . candy. . . .
Oh wait. No, we aren’t. This Fall, we are asking you to do (almost) nothing to raise the essential funds that help support field trip costs, parent information nights, teacher grants, student fun nights, CBMS Ski + Ride Program, and other student activities.
~$10. I already have four boxes of cake mix for cupcakes I planned to bake. Here is $10 for the last minute bake sale cupcakes I would have grabbed at the Village Market while on a work call on the way to drop-off.
~$15. Yeah, see how Amazon does my wrapping for me? Here’s $12 I would have spent on fundraiser wrapping paper, and $3 for the space in my coat closet that not having that wrapping paper is saving me.
~$20. Nope. Not gonna buy a wreath that will be up til it’s good and petrified in June, at which point it’ll move to the burn pile with the Christmas tree and last year’s wreath. Can you burn those bows and fake pinecones?
~$35. I already have last year’s cookie dough in the basement freezer. I think. I might have eaten it at 2 a.m. after “book club.”
~$50. I’ve never been to a PTO meeting, and I’m not starting now.
~$100+. Because we remember lockdown homeschooling. Thanks teachers.
The money you donate will help us match a recent anonymous donation. We are trying to stretch their generous donation to help build a more sustainable model for running the PTO. If we spend less time fundraising, we can spend more time planning student and family activities. Please help us meet our match goal!